Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hello world...

ok, what's a Renaissance Man?

If the term is familiar to you, this is superfluous. If you don't, it's probably annoying, because people can be very annoyed by other people who like to use terms that aren't in common use. As for me, I just don't know how likely you are to know it, because I was caught by surprise to find out how few High school kids know what an "LP" is, or an "8-track", or why we fought the Viet Nam war, or why it wasn't a war...


A Renaissance Man is someone who has a great number of interests, and who is capable in more than one field.

So what qualifies me to call my blog "The Renaissance Man"? I'll admit, at the start, that it could have, and maybe should have, been "a Renaissance Man", but I wasn't concentrating when I named the blog, so I'll have to live with that. None the less, I have a couple of AS degrees (photonics and electrical engineering tech), I am capable on over 50 musical instruments and musical on more than a few, and I dabble in lots of other fields. I make lasers, but I've made sonars, lab equipment and computers. I manage to have fun, which is a Good Thing.

Add to this having been enrolled in the state's best technical university for an EE degree and being unable to attend because of the Day Job, I've started again, aiming for an ASCST (Associates in Computer Science Technologies) with a goal of at least a Bachelor's in CS and a Masters in Electrical Engineering, since post-grad schools will take any BS, as long as it is a BS.

We'll see what manifests here, then. It could be my experiences in college, yet again, as a past-50's retread. Or my experiences mentoring a musical prodigy, running a string quartet, and watching everyone around me start learning 'cello. Or any of a number of things.

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